“One Rode In” is an intriguing novel by Albert Zayat. It tells the story of Cal, an aging journalist who once enjoyed a successful career but now finds himself struggling both financially and personally1. In a bid to revive his career, Cal discovers an obscure historical event—a massive gunfight that took place years ago in a small New York farm town bar. Driven by desperation, he embarks on a mysterious journey to the town of Fate and the bar named Destiny, where the chaos unfolded.
Throughout his journey, Cal encounters a series of ghostly characters who guide him through the life story of a boy named Malcolm. As he delves deeper into Malcolm’s trials and tribulations, Cal uncovers the reasons behind the bar shooting. The novel is a blend of mystery and the supernatural, offering a dark and captivating exploration of one man’s quest for redemption and truth.
The book spans 366 pages and was first published on September 20, 2011. It’s described as an epic tale that takes readers on a wild and haunting ride, revealing the interconnectedness of past and present, and the impact of life’s trials on one’s destiny
Audio Book
Paper Back
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