I figure life is like lug nuts on a cars wheel. You get a certain amount of them to hold the tire on. 6, 7, 8. But that’s it. Over time one will work its way loose, fly off never to return. But, you still have say 6 left and they’re holding the tire on tight, still. Until you hit a bump. And another vacates. And so it goes until you’ve completely eff’d up your life and you have 2 left.
Now, the wheel is still on. But a little wobbly. And life’s road is a little, well a lot less sure. Isn’t it? But if each remaining nut (2) is opposed to the other then you still have a chance. If not, you’re screwed, literally. Wheel comes off and away you go.
I think Dale has at least 4-5 lug nuts left. Only because you are a bona fide good guy and earned a few back. When your 100 we’ll talk about how many you have left, again. If I’m still here but that is a LOOONGSHOT. Watch out for the bumps…. 🙂
I think I may have 3 left and some may wish the count was one. Well….It ain’t easy being me.