Category Archives: poetry

Die Politely

To die politely

I told a friend

Is my goal

Of my end

It’s there I will,

Leave all alone–

For once and for good

Where memories did once



To do so,

I thought would be a chore

Who would believe it

That I am now gone?

They would.

He would.

She would also and too—

The tenor and soprano

Who sang at the altar, lies, of my to-do?

And as they thought

I was fare-de-well,  I regained one last breath to say

Oh-what the hell

And then

Die politely I did

My dear sweet friends

Remember that

There is a world

That will eventually end….

What time

Was it

The river flowed 

The mountain stayed

The heart of rock and roll

Did meet mother earth

And father time said well 

That's enough Betty 

So you just go over there

And let life decide 

Time to go

Where are you?

My gentle clock

Are you here, now?

Or before, after dark

Or are you well into the future

How can I know when?

Time is almost run out?

Where are you my sneaky friend?

Are you here now?

Or then, before, the time slipped past my open door?

No matter to me, either way

Cause time is short\


Short enough to say

Well, let it just go


I shot a star:

I shot a star

Into the night

There it rested

Among others so bright

And when and if

It tarnished so

I’d send another to

Just say hello

Because with or without

My stars being bright

And if the night isn’t so bright

I’d still want to know

Did you remember me so?

As one who could

Shoot out the stars, bright light?


The trick ta life

ya see

I think,,

Is to treat it like you’re in a rip tide

And when it’s done taking you to where it wants to

You can swim left

or right

To safety

Sea Spray

I feel the cold, now,

more then ever 

Sea air chills

Rain pelts

Spray from the sail ships piercing bow carves white water


Oh how I wish

To see land again

For I, I am,  a sailor in the kings navy

And here I am to seek, the enemy

With, no quarter do I hold life’s righteous love

of life’s worth so told

And bleed they do

As I do too

Little do I care

About me or



Sea Mist

Sea mist

Palm trees

Sand in between

My toes

Oh how do I leave?

Those Florida, souls

Cascading waves

Foaming seams of nature’s salt waters dreams


Oh my

Oh when will the sky look upon me

Bright enough for just one last time

Sea Mist wetting my cragged tired face

Palm trees to say, HEY friend!

Sand enough between my toes to fill a broken hearts woes

Sea mist washing away my tired days

Sea mist


Come quickly

My dear-

Come sit with me

As we had in yester year

Listen, now is the not Santa

Santa’s reindeer

Hooves clawing on our roof for all to hear?

Oh how I wish

This was still back when

When you and your brother fought

And then were friends, again and again

And I/we would hear

You’re ripping open brightly colored packages

Till you were surrounded

In a sea of tissue and wrapping

For Mom to clean up after, again and again

My lost little friend

And now I know it’s time for you to go

And turn from you to clear bright light

 Oh how I wish you could stay, for a whole day?!

And play on the floor, amongst toys’ galore


Oh I wish you could come back

I miss you always, more and more


A soldiers tale

Why should

I wait

To escape

My fate tis on meadows horizon

And there I lay

Amongst the hay

Rich in red

Bleeding dead

Some say why

I ask not

And so it tis that

Ends make it only once

Or twice

And that’s enough

To suffice

Is that you?

Is that me?

There was a time

My love

When all was right

And all was wrong

But in the end the life sailed on

My love

And so within

This makeshift box do sing

Is a life well spent?

Where reason and love had repent

And in the life’s end

Did more of you and me did expend

To say . HI!

My name is Nigel’s

And I don’t lie

So write your list

Of Christmas lesson learned and missed

For there I will and do roam

Until I do pass

