I’m just a traveler
Like you, you see
Full of hope burns, deep within me
And like the sun
I rise each day
To warm all around me
Before I say….
Hey you!
What’s that?
Are you all right?
You know I only shine
From mourn unto knights
And that’s where you will see
The love of strength that fights
Within you, and perilously deep within me
So dither not!!
And waste time so,
Fight the good fight
And kill your damn foe!
It is darkness you quest to kill, you see
Is it not all that’s left?
For the last arrow, your last quill?
Now be polite
Be assured
That your love of mercy
Speaks so loud
It’s unheard….to all who rest
So quietly
In the valley of time lost …
Lost amongst angry men’s
Uncut beards……at best