Author Archives: AlbertZayat

I’ll leave

I’ll leave you,
wanting a new one to follow
I’ll leave you wishing,
we never met
So when you shed
tears from your breast
You’ll free me from
The land of best

The land of best
I knew so young
And in it I grew
higher than the sun
So now I’ll leave you
wanting a new one to follow

And I will climb
a blue gray sky
into heavens hollow white cave
where we all dance
All times of day


Oh, oh, oh Shepard save her soul
Oh oh ohhhh shepherd come and
rest my bones
Oh oh oh, do you want to take us both?
She, the mother of my earth

She the breath of shepherds walk
Come one, co m e all
Sing along with reckless abandons

Oh oh shepherd save her soul
I’m alone left to die
On a highway known
As black and brown
Tall and thin

Take my breath
To hells

Not a minute


Not a minute
Not a second
Not a penny’s worth, or a leaf fallen from a tree
would I
Would I what?
Would I change a thing
Would I live another’s dream
Live rough and tough through another’s desperate time
One that couldn’t be greater than mine

Not a minute
Not a second
Not a penny’s worth or fallen leaf from trembling tree
Would I give
To change a thing about my time—when

Let the Rock, of Roll
Chase my aged old soul
Into life’s next place, for nature to hold
Let the breeze of time, caress my skin till it’s moist with
Another’s time

And let me knock on Heavens door all alone
Let me knock, on heaven’s door…all alone

If I could

If I could I’d live on the sea
Dream of nights filled of warm breeze
Float above rivers of pain
Till I found life
New again
And my toes touched
green grasslands
And my toes touched
green grasslands

Serpents Eyes


Serpents eyes
Climbed above hats heights
And there she was
Bright and shiny
Full of love

And here I am,
An empty man
With pockets full
And empty heart

Our eyes finally crossed
I needed what she hid
amongst her trials of the dead

And lost among the souls flung far
Into puts of despair
With hands that claw,
At no place to have
And fall I did
Into the pit of dreaded, love

Lost, alone
A king without a throne
A prince of no place
Now a pawn with the kings, keys

And so I ran
Into a lonely land
of songs and sirens culled from better hands

And into I did
Fall into the pit

A pit with no pendulum
with a heart slashed,
To kingdom come




And, and, and if I could shave light from day
And Hold the black of night down, till I thought I’m free

Then what fun it would be
To mix light with dark and be
So far away
That when they clashed they would scream
What bastard did this
Did this to me?

So silly folks, and fools too
Grit your teeth
Hold your breath, cold
Snort you displeasure
To an evening’s rest

Time is a state of mind
It’s just that mine
Has lost its mind

So peace be with you, and with me
My time comes
Of fancy free
Fancy. …free

My sense of this and yours of that

There was a time
When rhythm and rhyme
Meant more to some and
Much to all, and then would crowd out anyone’s
Hope to fall

From grace you see
Where you are asked, and I answer too
To the most of all questions of which there are more than two

And what are they?
Are they of me, or us you think?
Do they cut and ride a human before extinct

I think so I said
I think yes, more than you’ll know
For man and woman are just two of a full
House there is

One filled with rain
One filled with pain
One that understands that most things wanted are just….
Well we’ll leave that to a clever refrain

Let’s part knowing this
A friend did insistence
Give peace a chance
Imagine this
and that chance dance before your dance

Thank you John
So few would express
A chorus of sense that many

Peace, peace may it be yours
Our time here is so brief
So many illnesses without cures

Let trouble escape the hand of revenge
Let despaired hearts of broken love
Heal before the nights end

May cupboards be full of all you need
May my time left
Be enough for what I need

May you and he or she as it may
Not squandered your bright
Ever living days!


Oh, no, of this please be true
It’s not of red, or white nor blue
But of a color held deep so dear
One which bleeds when one does hear
That you are not within my reach
I fall and falter and slip from life’s deep peace

A place where I’m held thought safe
from times of shining weak tasks grace
One that knows curves alone, not to ask
And knows what makes two stick
To ….

Yes, my dear, dear, dearest friend it’s you
Know time with you, eclipses when
Songs of 60 were once new
With voices rasp sung rich and true
Where heart and tone, made all that last

And so I must, I must ask
Are you up to the mightiest task?
That holds ones foot
To the coolest of books
Or to the place, of Hades soot?

Yes, yes, you know well what I say
This place in time
Is where we live our final day
And caress our love, dear, my good friend
As a river flows
A river with no end

So cling to me as I do you,
We float away to a place and time unknown
Where heart and time
Roll with the endless rhyme
And there we can say
That makes us wake to our best,
To the best of new days

When I knew you and you did me
When I loved you and you did me
As I still do
And you do me

Occasionally recruiters call me in an attempt to get me to change firms.. It can be flattering but mostly It’s tedious.  Today I received a call from an- unlisted number. Which I do not like. My defense, my assistant, answered the call. Placed the party on hold. Then asked me on another line if I knew the name she relayed. I wasn’t sure, thought for a second that it might be someone I did know. So I answered hello. Bad idea and I wasn’t in a good mood to begin with.

Baam; the pitch!  I answered the person saying; today was not a good day to discuss such things after she finished her intro plea and pitch.  When asked why, I answered; my favorite, flea, died and I was heartbroken when I found it dead in my bed. She busted out laughing. I said – not nice – trying to keep the serious spin going. She tried to hush but couldn’t. I was courteous enough to invite her to the Viking funeral to be held at the Capitol grill. Drinks after the flames.

Then I asked if she wanted to be a pallbearer. I think that finished her off.

I said no charge for the levity, go have a good day. She said goodbye, I think gasping for air as she hung up.  My guess is she had the call of her relatively short two-year career. Hopefully she forgot about any immediate problems she may have been having. BF, money, car, blah blah blah…..


Isn’t nice to brighten someones day?

Let’s finish this up…right

We had no money, when we were young
Broke I’d say to everyone
Cares were few, so was food
Mattered not, cause you had me, and I had you
To run the night, into mornings day
Sleep till noon wishing the light would fade away

So, I, am, them
And, they, are, we
Let’s finish this up, right
Before we sleep
Let’s run night’s knife
Deep into mornings light
Let’s just finish this up, finish it right
Like we were, with limber legs in stride

Take my hand, hold it tight
We move at once before our light
Runs, runs out, out of sight

We can’t make old, new again
We can make the best of last, my best friend
Before our light, runs into night
And it’s the last we see of night or light
And the last we see of light or night