One-click makes one, tick
Second click, up, pulls you to
An English racers place you know
an English racers thrill
Tire’s bite create laid below
The third is clicked, third for go,
The Norton’s engine screams com’on boy
you’re way too-damn-slow
Now Fourth tick says there’s little more
My boot scrapes the hard crete-floor
And five brings, all alive
One never knows what this ride, feels like
Dead or alive
Then last pull
In fith gear we do fly
Up the hill
the parallel twin starts to whine
Through the esses she and I ride
Me on top and her below
Both human and not, smiles we bring
This roads pass won’t be the last
But won’t last, won’t be last
One click up-one click down
The pegs of my racer clip, the hard ground
One more up and another down
Must find the cam, must find the power band
A last ride is a last time found
A last time found to scrap the ground
Through the essess
We do ride,
me on top clipped to her, right below my friend
Hang on then
Hang on then
My time’s a comin
My times less than somethin
Ride on my bike, score the sky’s warm embrace
Scream at heavens knightly star-struck-streak
Scream at Heavens knightly star-struck-streak
Scream at Heavens Knightly star-struck-streak