Author Archives: AlbertZayat

May I

May I rest?
In the breast
Of a lover’s chest

One I know
One of a warm glow
Where -she- restoreth my soul

And may I sleep within the depths?
Of times lived best

And will I test the shores?
Of evermore
Flying high into nights
And days
Filled with, long-gone

What plagues us is,
Seems to me
Holding in-animates to blame
For Animates failed dreams

I think, then it’s sure to be–
What fires the gun comes from ego’s disease
A finger for, frustrations chore
A thumb to help, angers pressures melt
An eye to see, lost and hopeless dreams
Despair is held with what’s left on an assassin’s quivering hand

Until the space of youths troubled grace,
Is farmed anew with valuable views
And given tools to live in peace
Without running in, the crazy race
All is lost I fear and,
And lost is all!

I am King

For I am king

Of all my land

Sovereign rule

Granted by heavens ruling hand

For I am Lord

Of all my space

Of all my want

And whim of place

For I am master

Of my life

No cell

No chain

Of others drive,

Shall keep me


To others lives

For I am master

Of my world

Within I keep

All very sound

No matter who

Or what force may blow

Tis my world I master

Thanks to heavens gold



River of Hope

On the river of hope

I floated my dream

Raw and exposed

It meant

What was seen


On the river of hope

Came a thought

To me

Is there time left?

For the thread of angels

Too save me


On the river of hope

Rests a man’s last child

One of different colors

One that exists

In time


In my river

And maybe theirs too

May I call unto you

For hope

For a fool


And so without

Crystal or diamonds

I lay bare unto you

My life long friend

And partner


Will you let me rest

In a field of fiery zest

So that when that day

Comes to me to say


Thank heaven friend

A life with no end

Rests upon

A river of hope

Of hopes eternal

Never ending




Time to go home

Time to get ready

Ready for a long seasons end



To see them again

They wait

Wait for me

And so does she


She who is most of all, most of me

She, me and long I’ve been without thee

Will I see?

Will the calm be?


Will she know me

Will I see her from then?

Or is now our gardens end?


And off I travel

Through fields of yellow

And of course her favorite, lavender


I’ll look there

In the calm sea of yester-year

Calm sea of turbulent tides rising so high

That they reach the endless sky

Yet there I will go

Before the end of this tears snow


Into calm turbulent seas of yellow and reds and lavenders and greens

I wonder if she’ll know me when

I say hello

Hello my old friend

Do you remember me from, when?

Does it burn

Does it burn
The land beneath your feet?
Does the heart of heart
Weaken strong legs, that know no sleep?
Does the chore
Of climbing mountains unheard
Make the grit of grinding teeth
Speak to one’s fleeting peace?
Oh so do I live with you
If in fact I’m in your shoes
Would you like to be as one?
When I bury a dangerous son?
Will you climb mountains yet unheard
They flag buglers to call the flock
And of them and those
whose feet dig with toes
Into a scene of
Marshall’s broad speak
Oh will that cast all doubt as to who
Is the last to shout
I am the one, too
Who makes things so
Who makes things so
And as long as one knows not to touch my toes
I will allow you to live
Within a pen like a pig
While I seek clouds
Held in honor of maybe my sin
Of my exalted one
Nominated to judge a person
So sung
And do so, no matter what
And do so, no matter what!
Does it burn, the land beneath your feet?


Oh so free
Free to fly upon the wings
Of an old smokestack
Bellowing cries of work, deep into the sky
Here it comes
It comes
My ride to town
In an all-black silhouette
of a means trains end
Hear that whistle
Hear it call
It waits for none to jump aboard
Aboard we go
Ridin freedoms train, to parts
Hold on baby
Here I come
I left Lancaster this morning’s done
I’ll ride all night
Into the morning sun
And if the conductor don’t see
I’ll be home to make the day’s easy breeze
Hear that whistle
Hear it call
Sorry I think I just may be late after all
Just may be late after all
Cause my heart and soul
Ride the rails
A hobo I am
And I write this tale

Isle of Despair

From the Isle of despair
does the lens do clear
And all life’s fog
Streaks down the cheeks in tears

But in that light,
Where sparks of light
Burn so bright
The shadows of doubt
Disappear from fright

From the Isle
Of human despair
Lights of sight
Open so bright
And in the hollow of that calm
Lay the rights
Left to those,
To carry

Carry on,
Carry on,
Have the light
Burn so bright
and sink the Isle
Of human despair
into the morning light……

Best to let it go

Al dente legs, cobbled to cartoon feet

Whipped through fields of wheat

Rich and deep

Best to let it go

Best to let it go


Young comes to only some

Drags the sky

So bright

Best to let it go

Best to let it go


Tomorrow comes for only

The winsome few

Mile markers run deep

Deep and so blue

Best to let it go

Best to let it go


Tomorrow runs through the reeds


I don’t know

Best I let it go

Let it go until my sin tells me so


Al dente legs wheel cartoon feet

Through canyons of gold

We were so young, once

We rolled through fields of gold

Lost in the canyons

Of yesterday’s told


Al dente legs

Hooked to hearts

In love of the above

Hooked to hearts, roaming above