Author Archives: AlbertZayat


Such a frugal word
Lives among the rich
Yet never heard
Lives within the poor
Where it is often kept score
Says so little
Costs so much
I wonder what is driving, the bus?
Within the loss
Of time abused
Reigns a king
Of Sorrows  name
Detached is such a little word
Yet climb it does
Within sight of lost doves
Where time and place
Creep neatly into their rite,

I sit

I sit dressed in
Starch white
And blue creased
And there
Across the floor
Is a time once held
For not too long!
Dressed in tapestry
Beads hung over
A peasant’s braid
Boots to match
Leather wrist band too
I’d trade this Rolex
To float back
In that crowd
Well you can’t they say
But they never lived
That day
And all their foolishness
Won’t ever dance, so loud

Sail On:


And then I said

This is the end

Of time

Of mine


So what now

I see no light

No wind to rush

Me into flight


I just sit

On this life’s trip

And wonder how colorful

My canvas did ……

My canvas was. ….


And then my canvas

unfurled and I left my slip

No longer just floating

No longer adrift

The Don

From the cup

Of self-importance,

I sipped a brew

Of lasting fools


From a river

Of worthless flow

I gained so little

I grew so old


From a sky

Of wild blue lies

I held so true

Only to fall,

And crash,

Like some old fool


And yet within

My quixotic dreams

I’ve slain more wind

Than ever seen


And there I live

With little more

And hope

This- is- real for sure


For all I have left

are my right dreams

Quixotic they are, ever-more, ever-seen

A day in the Sun

There’s something about

sitting In the sun high above

Back and butt both pressed
To wrought iron blood
An escape from fire, or
Rail to help one climb higher
City noise  from below
spoke loudly but so
Did bold thoughts held so close
Only heard when alone, did they, most
Up above city life’s clatter
Warm, safe from chaos’s strata
Days once spent so poor
Were richer than ever.
Richer,  than ever. …before


The artists brush
Held the lily s green voice
The actor’s voice
Spoke words of rejoice
A singer sang
Notes of unrequited love,
And ballet dancers danced
On toes, on stage just above.
Writers write
This be true
With or without
A following,  or a clan of fools
Yet tap the keys
They do till the hours of 3
AM, PM, matters not you see
But there their worlds
come true for some
For some to see
For some who yet know
And for all who want,
Times lost, renewed.
So a painting can be pretty just as a picture, hung on a wall
And song sang with hopes of last,  in the refrain
Or dance danced like swans on a lake
Or an actors voice twice raised, at last, for heaven’s sake
Yet behind the faces of that we see or hear
Thunders hidden ideas and notions
So very very clear. ..

Bike ride

One-click makes one, tick

Second click, up, pulls you to

An English racers place you know

an English racers thrill

Tire’s bite create laid below

The third is clicked, third for go,

The Norton’s engine screams com’on boy

you’re way too-damn-slow


Now Fourth tick says there’s little more

My boot scrapes the hard crete-floor

And five  brings,  all alive

One never knows what this ride, feels like

Dead or alive


Then last pull

In fith gear we do fly

Up the hill

the parallel twin starts to whine

Through the esses she and I ride


Me on top and her below

Both human and not, smiles we bring

This roads pass won’t be the last

But won’t last, won’t be last


One click up-one click down

The pegs of my racer clip, the hard ground

One more up and another down

Must find the cam, must find the power band


A last ride is a last time found

A last time found to scrap the ground

Through the essess

We do ride,

me on top clipped to her, right below my friend

Hang on then


Hang on then

My time’s a comin

My times less than somethin

Ride on my bike, score the sky’s warm embrace

Scream at heavens knightly star-struck-streak

Scream at Heavens knightly star-struck-streak

Scream at Heavens Knightly star-struck-streak


Romeo and Juliet


How nice it’d be

To fly on a plane

To fly to a place

of no real name


Somewhere friendly

Somewhere fun

A place I know

A place with sun

A place would have someone’s son


How nice it’d be

To spend some time

Lost romantically

Among the stars

Frolicking within heavens arms


A place of mother

A place of discover

A place to cast aside life’s deep blue

A place to start anew

A place to renew

Just me

And maybe you too


How nice it’d be

How wonderful indeed

To climb so high

Higher and higher into the sky

Climb the stairs of eternity

Find those lost for years, you see

Find those lost, who were so dear


How nice it’d be

To quit this folly

we follow, so orderly

To release from life’s dock

Spent in might’s, heart


That all flounders now

All once sung

in hallowed ground


How odd it’d be

To fly to a nice place

To fly away

Above skies, so gray


How nice it’d be

When the time,

the time is right

To climb onto airlines known as

Carefree-All- Night


How nice it’s be

I wish you’d come and see

Won’t you come?

Won’t you come and, join me?

Where do I fit

Where do I fit?

On this mighty ship

Where do I fit

Do I


Am I to

Be one who

Slips to shores

Of never more’s


Or ride the seas

Where life is so


Or dance in the sight

Or our moons guiding light

Singing and bringing

Tales of old

Of yesterday’s, sold

Where time of plenty

Meant nothing to many

Just filling the brim

Of my cup

Not without sin


Where do I fit

Within this mighty ship

Of fools, of schools,

With stories told uncertain


Am I to

Am I too

Rest now as a lost jewel

Amongst the lost lives

Steel turned to rust


Where do I fit

Within this mighty mighty ship

In Trial

In Trial:


In trial

Of earth

Around the cause

Of mysteries birth


Scores of thoughts

Mostly, dreadnought

Of death

And pain

Lay at my feet though not in vain

Till my sun

Never rises, mornings, again


In trial

Of earth

A course of force reckless

Of course


May I live till my days?

Live until no more play

Or lust for life, left

No longer stowed-away

in my life’s scabbard


In trial

Of earth

Of earth

Of earth

Until ventures cease

Spared from a life’s last….

Until my salt is all spent

from sweat and tears of life’s dear costs