Author Archives: AlbertZayat

A fixed race

As sure as a fixed race,
As warm as a baths liquid embrace
As much fun, as a fall from grace
As dicey as a game of Risk
Love, ah love knows so many mistakes

There it is
My young lad
Take your chance
In your hand
With a guarantee, not

With help from none
So what
It is what all we have
That makes the tired days of sad
Worth a ransom from a wealthy man’s bank

Yet not you need, that kind of wealth
What it is, is reserved for absent help
Time enough to live alone
Or with that demon-love
Are you sure this is your road?

Of course it is, and you are too
Midnight’s wakes reminds you
Who she is
And daydreams keeps
The light of her sight, so dear to you

Welcome, welcome my dear boy
All you fear is nothing to this ride
One of highs and lows never seen
But one never to be missing
Or life isn’t worth a worn penny.


And Winter bares, its cold skin
Letting ice crumble until
Time it is finally shed

And Spring leaps,
After the last snow
Oh how time moves
Oh how fast, is slow

And there a mother, rests her weary head
Coddling a newborns, cry
Without end

And as we know
Her heart does glow
Rich and red
More than any ember
Ever bled

So tis the season
of all heart
Tis when time and hope never part
Tis of that special natural place
When man and she,
agree upon our cosmic Fate

So rest your arms and hearts, also
Mother Nature holds
all rules to know

Hi time

In a lonely deserted forest
Lived a spell put upon us
That looked of vermillion
And cost not a thin thing

Yet took souls and hearts
And culled thoughts of boasts
Till rich men fell
And lovely ladies dwell
On lost beauty from where they hailed

In a lonely deserted forest
Lived men and women
Or should I say boys and girls
Who took it too seriously?
To make ends prevail

Yet there they stood
Stark and gaunt, hollow and sulked
Weathered and frail without so much
As a care

In a lonely deserted forest
Where hurt hearts are among us
That bleed until
Doctor of love comes to prevail
And fix what went wrong, or right just maybe

And in a lonely deserted forest is where
The lonely run carefree
And play the night throughout
And laugh against what the elders scream about
And giggle until
It’s there time to move ahead

In the lonely deserted forest
You’ll find the best among us
With resonant feeling’s
And hearts blood held by all means
Where you’ll see what life is meant to really be

In the lonely deserted forest


Time is, when all doubt

Rests its sleepy head, upon pillows of angry shout

And there it lay

Too sleepy to play

Alone for one to see

A future reserved for those, and you, and me


So…know when

A pear splits its skin

And Wilde quotes bust guts of oats

And Clemons words about a Sawyer’s ride

Marks a Twain, are you still sure you’re fine?
About, this minor play

When one usually has to hold, and be told to say

Lay facing a warm sky but gray, my son

Purse your lips toward a setting sun
Kiss the evening sky

Where no tear drops when we die

For that day comes for all you see

For some it is within a day’s reach from here, this day
But you I know……have yet to be called

Mother Nature has work…. left

Left for you, now do as you are told


I’ve been lucky
To have lived a life
Fraught with destiny and demons
Filled with love and passion
Of many seasons
With love and hope
And hate and dire

I’ve been lucky to kill the snake of despair
To lick the goblet of hope and aware
And own the most of all we are
And what we will be,

Yes, I’ve been lucky to hold the golden chalice
And fight the evil of north
And sooth the flame of losers claim
Yes, I’ve been lucky to know all of you
To find and send my affections to who

Will mount and claim
All that remains
Of a simple life’s
Ordinary refrain
Of a simple life’s ordinary refrain